5 Reasons Midlife Is The BEST Time To Start An Online Business

inspiration Jan 27, 2021
Desk top computer on desk to start an online business

Do you have that nagging, 'won't go away' feeling that you were meant for more? More joy in what you do each day. More impact on the world. More money in the bank?

Many of the women I talk to dream of training to be a business or life coach, or are brimming with ideas for digital courses, or membership sites. But they allow their fear that they've 'left it too late' to hold them back.

Well, here are 5 reasons that I believe midlife is actually the BEST time to start an online business...

1. Purpose


Your motivation for starting a business is likely to be more purposeful.  By that, I mean your ‘WHY’ is focussed on making a difference. On serving your customers, as well as making money.

Did you know, living with purpose is actually connected to longevity.  It’s what gets you up in the morning.  It’s what will keep you moving forward when you hit a rough patch.  It’s a crucial component of any truly successful online business.

As a midlife woman you’re ready to make a difference to your corner of our planet and believe me, you have all the tools you need to do so.

Let your business be the thing you can’t NOT do.


2. Experience


As a midlife woman there should be absolutely NO DOUBT in your mind that you’re an expert at something (probably more than one thing).

By midlife you have a rich story behind you to share with your customers and a greater capacity to empathise.  They’ll take you seriously and you’ll find it much easier than your younger counterparts to build trusting relationships. 

You’ll likely have built up a bank of contacts over the years and you’ll know who to go to for support and advice when you need it. 

With experience comes confidence.

You  KNOW deep down you can do this.


3.  Authenticity


This is a biggie!

By midlife you’re likely to be well on the way to uncovering the REAL you.

You’re finding your AUTHENTIC voice.

You no longer feel pressured into conforming to social stereotypes.  When you start your online business, you’ll have the confidence to show up as your genuine self.

And let me tell you something, when you do, your customers will LOVE you for it.

People are bored stiff with polished, glossy sales pitches.

They want to be able to relate to the person they’re buying from.  Whether you sell physical products, information products or services, if you’re authentic, real and transparent then you’re halfway there already. 


4. Commitment


You have inside you an overriding feeling of ‘if I’m going to start an online business, it’s now or never’.

That makes you determined to succeed.

You know deep down that it’s your time.

Your time to stop the excuses, ignore the ‘Yes, But’s' and just get your head down and go for it.

Do the work.

There’s no shortcut to starting and growing a successful business, but if you truly commit then nothing can stop you.


5. Energy


Weren’t expecting this one, were you!

Well guess what, most midlife women have MORE energy than they had in their thirties.

You’re not out partying every chance you get.

You don’t have small children making constant demands on you.

All the energy you used to devote to raising your family you can now lavish on your business.

You can work 14 hour days sometimes, if you want to, without feeling guilty.

And, of course, your energy levels will be boosted sky high by one very important fact…

You’ll be doing something you LOVE.



If you were in ANY doubt about whether you’ve left it too late to train as a life coach, or become a freelance consultant, or launch that course you've been working on for so long, I hope you now feel a renewed positivity and an unwavering belief that NOW is your time.

If starting an online business in 2021 is in your sights then I want you to download my Goal Setting Workbook and get crystal clear on what you’re aiming for.

You've got this!

Suggested Listening

#004 - The Power of Positioning with Rebecca Gunter

#001 - Are You Building a 'Lite' Version of Your Dream Business?

#023 - 5 Things I'd Do Differently If I was Starting My Business Today