All The Feels

mindset Apr 28, 2021
woman on laptop laughing


What FEELINGS do you need to generate in a prospective client on a discovery call for them to become desperate to work with you? The decision to work with a coach or mentor is an emotional one. It's based on a desire for change. Whether that's a change in their personal or business life.

It's emotive.

They have a problem / frustration / block they NEED to resolve and they're looking for the person who has the solution.

They need to feel…




By this I mean confident they can TRUST you. This is huge. People will only pay people they trust. They may consume free content from a huge spectrum of sources... but they will only PAY people they trust. To be trustWORTHY you need to be straightforward, transparent and honest. Please don't buy into gimmicky marketing techniques that call your ethics into question. Even something as simple as trying to pass off an evergreen webinar as a live event can turn off your prospective clients.




This is closely linked to trust but there’s a subtle difference. When people feel safe, they open up. When they open up they share their real needs and desires with you. Making someone feel safe enough to do that is all about empathy and assurance.

Empathy – letting them know that you understand. You get how this is making them feel.

Assurance – letting them know that you’re not judging them. This is a safe place for them to speak freely.




By the time you come into your prospective client’s life they will most likely be weary of the frustration they feel around what’s not working for them. They feel like they’ve tried so many options and are running out of energy to try anything new. You need to inject them with hope for their future. Paint the picture for them of what their life and business could look like with you in their corner.




Let’s take that one step further… join them in their mounting excitement as they start to dare to believe that they’ve found their solution. Brainstorm with them. Assume the enrolment and start talking about what you’ll be working on together. “I can’t wait to deep dive into xxxx with you – that’s going to really get you some clarity.”




You are not the coach / mentor for EVERYONE. If you’re on the call with this person then they’ve already been ‘vetted’ by you based on the answers they gave in their intake form. Share with them the fact that you don’t offer to work with just everyone. They meet the criterior and that’s why you KNOW you can get the results they’re looking for.




I want your prospective clients to be impatient to work with you! Chomping at the bit to get their first session booked in, or access to your program to arrive in their inbox.



If you want to learn from me exactly HOW to galvanise these feelings on a discovery call then book a strategy session with me HERE (obligation free)

Suggested Listening

#030 - Learning to Trust Your Intuition

#018 - What To Do When Business Just Feels Hard

#009 - When Losing Control Is Good For Business