Do You Believe In You?

mindset Oct 13, 2021
woman with self-belief gaxing at mountain

Think about your WILDEST goals. Those toe-tingling, dream-come-true goals.  If you’re completely honest with yourself, how do you score the probability of you achieving them? Do you REALLY think you have what it takes - the necessary ability and confidence - to achieve what you want?

If the answer is anything other than a resounding “YES!” then we’ve got a problem…

To be successful in business (and life), strong self-belief is non-negotiable.  It gives you energy and helps you to build on your purpose, your ‘why’.  If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you? When you truly believe in your ability to achieve, and concentrate on this, your mind becomes solution focused and looks for ways to help you succeed. 


Believe To Achieve


“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right." Henry Ford 

So, how do we cultivate self-belief? Let’s face it, we ALL have those moments when we question whether we can really achieve something…


Be your own BEST friend 


How you talk to yourself is massively influential over your self-belief.

“I’m no good at…” “I can’t do…” “I’m awful at…” “I’m useless at…”  “I’ll never be able to do…”

Imagine if your best friend spoke to you out loud in the same way you speak to yourself? 

I doubt you’d want to be friends with someone who said such negative stuff about you. What if you started to talk to yourself in the way a best friend would:

“You’re great at… ” “You’re fantastic at…” “You’re so talented at…” “You’re confident at…” 

Think about it – honestly – up until now, have you been your own best friend, or your own worst enemy? What messages have you been giving yourself? 

How you talk to yourself is important because the subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between real and imagined events, or truth and untruth.  Sorting this out is the job of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind just accepts and saves the messages it receives. So, you can use your subconscious to help to develop a strong, positive self-belief.


Create your own reality 


People who make a difference in this world create their own reality. They recognise the barriers they’ve created in their own mind, and they pull apart their limiting beliefs – refusing to listen to the voice that whispered, “you can’t do it”.

Beliefs that either empower or limit your ability to achieve what you want, have formed throughout your life. Things you were told by your parents, teachers, peers, work colleagues etc have all made an impact on your subconscious mind. 

Children who are continuously told they’re ‘stupid’, or ‘clumsy’, can grow up believing it to be true. Negative messages eventually lead to self-doubt and then become limiting self-beliefs. 

The great news is that beliefs can change. Change your beliefs and you change your reality. 

‘The world is flat’ – enter, Christopher Columbous

‘Men can’t fly’ – the Wright Brothers kept their self-belief.


Dream Stealers


Who are your dream stealers? The people who tell you that what you want isn’t possible for you. Recognise that they are sharing their limiting beliefs. You can choose to ignore what they say. People who say something can’t be done are usually unsuccessful in defining or achieving success for themselves.  

Refuse to allow others to influence your self-belief.


It’s the little things…


Here are some small things you can do to reinforce your self-belief:

  • Celebrate small successes
  • Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you
  • Distance yourself from those who bring you down
  • Regularly visualise yourself achieving your goals
  • Avoid ‘comparisonitis’ - it’s what YOU do that matters
  • Consume with intention - read / watch / listen to positive, self-affirming content
  • Recreate in your mind past experiences of success
  • Dress for success – look good and feel good
  • Declutter your environment (don’t ask me why but this REALLY makes a difference)
  • Choose YOU… back yourself… every time.


Like some support to grow YOUR business YOUR way?


I'm a business coach and consultant and I help women grow their businesses in a way that feels right for them. 

I coach on a 1:1 basis… that’s my preference - it’s the way I love to work, and it gets my clients the biggest transformations. You can apply HERE for a complimentary 60 minute strategy session.


Photo by Andy Vu from Pexels

Suggested Listening

#032 - What If You Could Do What You Love Every Day?

#030 - Learning to Trust Your Intuition

#005 - The FEELINGS That Turn Leads Into Clients