What Happens When You Choose Yourself

mindset Jul 09, 2021
woman holding up a scarf

Many women believe they have to be a certain way / have a certain personality type to be REALLY successful in business. 

As in 'wildest dreams' successful. 

They've been brought up to believe that there are a limited number of slots available and they always go to the most competitive / deserving / confident/ ambitious / fearless.

It's simply not true.

I suggest really listening to what comes up for you when you ask yourelf 'Why not me?'

Here are some examples of common limiting beliefs around this:

  • Because I'm not experienced enough
  • Because I'm not well known in my industry
  • Because I'm too young / old
  • Because I have kids at home
  • Because no one will listen to me
  • Because I'm useless with tech
  • Because I'm too unorganised
  • Because I've tried before
  • Because I'm not ready

Any of these sound familiar?

Looking closely at what comes up for you here is a way to expose your current mindset, and the issues you need to focus on to move forward on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Try going even deeper...  So, for example. 'Why am I not ready?': 

  • My website isn't good enough
  • I don't have enough followers yet
  • I need another qualification before I can pivot to what I REALLY want to do


Are these statements really true? 

Or is it a story you're used to telling yourself? A convenient excuse to stay safe, stay small, stay invisible. Comfortable procrastination.

Has anyone else on the planet ever achieved what you want to achieve?

If it's possible for ANYONE, then it's possible for YOU. 

Are you willing to choose yourself for success?

You don't have to be the best or the smartest to build the business of your dreams...  but you DO have to choose yourself, and this can be one of the hardest mindset lessons to master.

 I deserve success

I'm good enough

I believe in myself

I trust myself

I'm ready

No one is going to give you permission to be successful... you need to stop seeking constant external validation.

A clear sign from the universe that it's your time may not show itself!

When you make a decision to choose youself, you start showing up exactly as you are. You start focussing on your mission rather than your competitors. 

You start uncovering YOUR style, YOUR voice, YOUR way.

You start sharing your knowledge AND your opinions.

You make authenticity a non-negotiable

But most importantly, you take ACTION.

So... are you ready to choose yourself? Reach out to me HERE if you'd like to explore what this could really mean for you and your business.

Suggested Listening

#037 - What It REALLY Means To Be Authentic with Tamsin Jardinier

#032 - What If You Could Do What You Love Every Day?

#075 - Harnessing the Power of Presence with Eduardo Placer