How To Magnetize Your Ideal Clients

marketing Mar 17, 2021
Ideal client polaroid of Rebecca Gunter


I’m about to share with you the unfair advantage that’s going to have you signing up perfect client after perfect client.

This is something I share with ALL my clients and trust me, it works every, single time.

It’s a strategy which you’ll have already heard of, but once you’ve had it ‘Gillsplained' to you, you’ll get it. You’ll start to weave it into your marketing copy, you’ll use it as the focus for your sales page, it will convert your discovery calls into enrolment calls, you’ll blog about it, you’ll tweak your website copy… I could go on…

So here it is…

Drum roll…



That’s it.

Now, I know you’ll have heard it before, but now I want you to REALLY focus, and read on as I demonstrate how this works with an example.

Cara is a Health Coach – Her ideal client is a 55-year-old woman who has been overweight her whole life...

Pain points:

  • No energy to play with her grandchildren.
  • Clothes don’t fit.
  • Legs rub together in summer.
  • Terrified she’ll have a heart attack.
  • Embarrassed when she takes up more than her fair share of space on the bus seat.
  • Horrified by having to ask for the seatbelt extender.
  • Embarrassed to order anything but salad in a restaurant.
  • Sick of heartburn
  • Struggling to go for long walks.
  • Bras that rub and are way too tight.
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Feeling like she’s left it too late so what’s the point.
  • Sick of spending money on diet foods, books, DVDs etc that don’t work.
  • Conscious of her family's worry for her.
  • Fear that she’ll die before every experiencing the joy and freedom of a slim body.
  • Too self conscious to go to the gym
  • Can’t get exercise clothes to fit
  • Feels like sugar is an addiction

Note: This is just scratching the surface – I want you to come up with at least 50 pain points for your ideal client. Pain points that YOUR offer / service provides the solution for. Don't be afraid to get serious. To shock. To use emotive language. When someone is suffering / has a problem they can't solve / needs help, it IS serious for them.

Once you’ve listed these pain points, then producing content becomes SO much easier:

  • ‘Are you sick of your clothes feeling too tight and making you all hot and bothered in this scorching weather? Sign up for my 7 day Beat the Heat detox challenge’.


  • ‘Have you reached the point where it feels pointless to even try another weight loss program, and anyway, you’ve wasted so much money in the past you daren’t spend any more. What if I told you XYZ…’


  • ‘Asking for the seatbelt extender in flight used to fill me with dread… can you relate?’


  • ‘3 Ways to Regain Your Confidence and Step Back Into The Gym’


Now, I’m not a health coach, (and I’m certainly not a great copywriter) but this was an easy example for me to use as I can relate to lots of these pain points myself!  But, even if you’re NOTHING like (and have never been like) your ideal client (which would surprise me as most of us coach / teach around our own past experiences), I still want you to research and uncover as many pain points that you can resolve as possible.

Surveys are a great way to find out more – you could email a survey to your current list, or how about a poll in a Facebook group or in your Instagram stories?

Really highlighting your ideal client’s pain, problem or dilemma is the key to convincing them that YOU are their solution.  When they read your words or listen to your voice and really feel like you GET them, that you KNOW exactly how they’re feeling… that’s pure gold.

If you have a product or service that can impact lives, it’s your duty to do what you need to do to get your message to those who need to hear it.

Now, if, like me, you sometimes need help to get your thoughts ordered and your messaging crystal clear, then why not book a call with our cover girl this week, the Branding Guru Extraordinaire… Rebecca Gunter.

She works utter magic!

Till next week,


Suggested Listening

#071 - Uncomfortable Questions with Melina Cordero

#066 - How Much Is Enough? - Why you'll never feel successful until you know the answer.

#078 - If Done Is Better Than Perfect, Is Anything Better Than Nothing?