Networking... Love it or Hate it?

marketing Jan 13, 2021
two women online networking

A business friend shared an article on LinkedIn recently about Networking and it really took me back to the early days of my career, when networking meant being forced to get up at the crack of dawn to attend a networking breakfast once a week. I found introducing myself to people, or even worse, standing alone in a corner praying that someone would come and talk to me so I didn't look quite so sad and alone, incredibly uncomfortable.

It didn't help that this particular group had a strange secret cult type vibe, so as I left home every Thursday morning I was convinced I'd never see my family again...

In the early days, I'd skulk out of the room and sit in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes (actually wasting all of the valuable ACTUAL networking time) and then I'd slink back in as the breakfast was served! Eating gave me something to focus on and was the least painful part of the event.

My bad memories of those early days are reinforced by the time I climbed back into my car after a particularly torturous session only to realise I'd had my trousers on inside out all morning. So now the cult, I mean club members not only assumed I had a severe stomach problem due to the length of my bathroom visits, they also knew the actual size of my butt! 

How Times Change

Fast forward to today, and networking is one of the aspects of my work that I absolutely LOVE.

I think we naturally gain in confidence over the years and I certainly enjoy networking in person on occasion (when we can), but online, virtual networking, now THAT I adore!

As an online business consultant, of course it's natural that online networking is my go-to, but I certainly don't confine my network to prospective clients.

Whether I'm on LinkedIn (my personal favourite) or any of the online networking groups I belong to I love to widen my circle and find out more about women in completely unrelated industries to mine. Having this curious, explorative mindset has led me to some unexpected and super interesting collaborative opportunities.

So my advice is don't network with a 'taking' mindset. Stop hoping for everyone you connect with to buy something from you. Instead, reach out with a 'giving' mindset. How can you help this person? Who could you introduce them to that would be of mutual benefit?

Can we talk?

Also, I rarely spend long exchanging DMs - my friends & family will agree, I'm a rubbish, neglectful texter and that's because I like to talk! I like to set up an intro chat as soon as possible so I can actually get to know someone... I don't want a pen pal!

So, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Networking - I'm always open to suggestions for new groups to join, and if you want to cut to the chase and just jump on a call to talk all things biz then you can schedule with me -

 Happy New Networking!


p.s. If growing your business is your focus this year, whether via Networking or any other means, don't forget my goal setting workbook is available to download.

Suggested Listening

#046 - Who Can You Trust in the Noisy World of Online Business?

#036 - Don't Neglect Working IN Your Business

#031 - Looking Within to Stand Out Online with Hayley Maxwell