#006 - 3 Mindset Traps That Make Selling Your High Ticket Offer REALLY Hard

This week I'm talking about 3 money mindset traps that will keep you playing small in your business for sure.

1. Do you still equate money with time?
Clients don't pay for your time. They pay for your years of expertise; your expertise; everything you've learned; the mistakes you’ve made that they can now avoid; the translation of something complex into something simpler... They pay for the RESULTS YOU CAN DELIVER.

2. Do YOU think your offer is too expensive?
If you're nervous about your price, your prospective clients will FEEL it. When you become unwaveringly clear and confident when it comes to the value you deliver and the cost attached to that, then THAT energy is picked up by your audience too.

3. Are you are scared to put your money where your mouth is?
You're trying to charge at a level you're not prepared to invest at yourself. Start investing in yourself and your business at the level you want to sell...

If this episode resonates with you then I want you to check out my FREE training: How to Attract & Enroll Your Ideal Clients

Here's the link to watch it now: