#011 - Move Aside Consistency... There's a New C in Town

I used to talk to my clients all the time about the ABC of marketing: Authenticity | Bravery | Consistency - thankfully I haven’t had to sacrifice my slick ‘ABC’, but now it’s Authenticity | Bravery | Connection.

Here's the thing... great consistency does not have to mean high frequency. It means showing up as your followers have come to expect you to show up. Showing up in the way they love you to show up. Showing up in a way that impacts them and invites them to become paying clients (quick reminder: that’s why we market our businesses).

As usual, I'm In praise of the AND:

Connection: making your ideal clients feel like you’re speaking directly to them, about the very thing they need help with, in the language they understand.

Consistency: showing up for your ideal clients in a way that’s sustainable for you in the long term.

If this strikes a chord with you, why not apply for a personal breakthrough session with me:

Resources Mentioned:

3 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way About Authenticity :