#014 - Fortune Favours The Brave

Courage is an entrepreneurial non-negotiable. Of course, 'courage' means different things to different people, but when it comes to launching and growing a business you're going to need it in spades.

The problem is there's been a rising trend over the last couple of years that has left some entrepreneurial dreamers with the impression that it's easy to start and grow a business. That they can 'manifest' everything they need, and if it doesn't flow to them, if it feels hard, then they're doing it wrong.

The truth is, for all of us, some things come easily, others need effort, determination, and resilience.

The good news? Everyone has the ability to exercise courage like a muscle. The more we take action in spite of fear, the stronger that muscle grows.

I mention in this episode that I'm planning to share my book writing journey with my inner circle - my newsletter subscribers - you can subscribe here:
** Please note I mention this will be via video diary - it's actually an audio diary shared via a private podcast.