#016 - Stories We Tell Ourselves About Our Prices

Don't we just love a good story? Well, yes and no. I love the stories that lift and inspire us to do great things, but I'm not so keen on the stories I see business owners telling themselves when it comes to their pricing...

Stories like "My audience can't afford it", "I'm just starting out so I have to go in low", "High ticket clients are problematic and demanding so I'm staying with low ticket offers"

Any of those stories sound familiar?

It's another dose of money mindset work in this week's episode.

Remember, you can apply for a free full 60 minutes of business coaching with me here:

Resources mentioned in tnis episode:

For info about Beth Kempton's book proposal masterclass:


Previous money mindset episodes:

#002 - 7 Unpleasant Side-Effects Of Undercharging For Your Service

#003 - How To Charge More Without Losing Clients Or Feeling Guilty

#006 - 3 Mindset Traps That Make Selling Your High Ticket Offer Really Hard


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