#028 - The Joy Of Simplifying Your Business Model

Exactly HOW do you simplify your business? How do you pick the right one or two offers that your clients can't resist?

Your business model is made up of 3 things:

Market - You’re crystal clear on who your target market / ideal client / customer avatar is.

A simple business serves one kind of client with a similar set of problems / desires. Just because you CAN help more than one type of client doesn't necessarily mean that's the right thing for YOU. Complex segmentation leads to overwhelm. Every. Single. Time.

Offers - Because you’re clear on your market, you know what they want from you and how they want it delivered to them. You can confidently craft the one of two offers that they want the most and will meet their real need the best.

Pricing - Because you have just one or two offers, you have just one or 2 prices (max 4 if you offer instalments). You have faith in your pricing and are consistent. Of course you still have flexibility to work for less if you feel drawn to, but it's the exception not the rule.

If you'd like help to simplify YOUR business, you can apply for a free Breakthough Session with me:

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