#037 - What It REALLY Means To Be Authentic with Tamsin Jardinier

This week I'm joined by the incredible Tamsin Jardiniere. I'm lucky enough to count Tamsin as one of my precious clients which means I get to have inspiring conversations with her regularly, and now I get to share one with you...

Tamsin and I are talking in this episode about what it really means to be authentic. Tamsin's own story is fascinating. She left behind a sparkling career in London to create a wonderful home for herself and a place to offer life-changing retreats for women at a point of transition in their lives, in a very rural part of France. She's also a transformational coach who naturally attracts creative, free-thinking women into her world.

Everything Tamsin does is a true reflection of herself so she's someone I'm thrilled to talk to about authenticity - she walks the walk.

Find out more about Tamsin here: