#054 - Is a Mastermind the Next Right Step For You and Your Business?
This week I'm deep diving into the Masterminds - what a mastermind is, what it isn't and whether it's the right next step for you and your business.
As transformational coaches and changemakers who are outstanding at 'our thing', the frustration of not being where we want to be in our business is real. When your revenue isn't commensurate with your reputation, and you're lacking the clarity and accountability to bring your wildest vision to life, it can be tough to believe you'll ever step into who you truly are and have the impact you're destined to have.
Not everyone is ready for a mastermind. But for those who are, nothing else comes close to delivering the confidence, clarity, and grit needed to become a thought leader in the space where you belong.
My upcoming mastermind, RISE Together, is for you if you know deep down that on some level you're still playing small.
It's for you if you're beyond ready for your revenue to match your reputation.
This is for you if you need, at a soul level, to get your message out there to those who need to hear it.
Find out more, including how to apply here: https://www.gillmoakes.com/rise-together