#110 - The Coach's Offer Pyramid (What it is and why you need one)

Welcome back to this week's episode of the Heads Together podcast. I am freshly back from the north Norfolk coast where I had the loveliest long weekend break. If you are in the UK or across the pond, Norfolk is a must to visit.

Now let's dive into this week's topic, this is a talk I gave recently to the Institute of Coaching Studies, where I obtained my ICF accreditation. The Institute is the ONLY coach training provider I recommend because, quite simply, it's the best!  If you're interested in training to be a coach, or, like me, want to formalise your training and gain accreditation, then do check out the Institute: 

The talk I gave there was all about the Coach's Offer Pyramid. Picture it like a tiered structure where each level represents a different way coaches can add value to their clients. One-to-one coaching should be our initial focus, it’s where we refine our craft, build our reputation, and create fans who will sing our praises to anyone who will listen.

If you're loving what you're hearing, would you do me a huge favour and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. It's like giving me a virtual high-five and helps spread the word about the podcast far and wide.

If you'd like to brainstorm what your signature offer could look like, wy not apply for a 60 minute breakthrough session with me: