#116 - Playing Big - It's Not Really About The Size...

Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast. This week, I'm talking about what it really means to "play big" and be unapologetic.

Spoiler alert: It's not about how big your dreams are, but how fulfilled you feel while chasing them. Whether you're aiming to run a mega-corporation or raise alpacas in the countryside, it's all about owning what you truly want. Get ready for an inspiring episode that challenges the go big or go home mentality and champions authentic, unapologetic living.

Playing big isn't about the size of your dreams but the fulfillment they bring you. It's about pursuing what truly makes you happy, whether that's a bustling business or a serene lifestyle. Claim what you want unapologetically, even if it doesn't fit the mainstream narrative of success. Your dreams are valid, no matter their shape or size. Stop comparing your journey to others. Focus on your vision and what success means to you. Remember, everyone's path looks different.

I loved hearing from those who connected with me on LinkedIn after the last episode. It was joyful receiving your messages and knowing you're out there listening. It’s moments like these that make everything worthwhile.

Have a fantastic week, and see you next time!