#118 - Making time to tune back in to what you really want from your business

In this week's Heads Together podcast episode I ask the important question of how close is the business you have now to the vision you had for your business at the beginning?


Opportunities and distractions in equal measure (one sometimes disguised as the other ) can mean your business meanders along until it bears little resemblance to what you'd originally dreamed it would be.


How often do you step back from the day to day of market, serve, repeat to look at what's working for you now and what's not. What feels aligned and what doesn't. How often do you dare to consider a change of direction, a big pivot. Do you regularly consider what no longer serves you and perhaps needs letting go of?


Time to work on our business is SO important, and Summer is the perfect season to do just that. Like I said last week, the sleepier summer months are perfect for intentionally lowering your energy, turning down the dial to a mild simmer, so you can reflect, consolidate, plan.


This is why I'll be offering you something very special later this month. I've created the perfect virtual solo retreat for you. An opportunity to have 5 days out from your business (or at least from client work) to work ON your business. Within the self guided container, you'll spend each day reflecting, journaling, reviewing a different part of your business. This is just a teaser as I'm still working on some of the beautiful content that will be there for you inside your virtual retreat.


If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, go to and I'll be sure to keep you posted.