Gill Moakes (00:02.198)
Welcome, welcome to the Heads Together podcast. I'm your host, Jormoaks. As always, very, very thankful to have you here with me. If this is your first time listening into the podcast, welcome. I'm so happy you found me. Okay, today is a goody, goody, goody, especially for this time of year. Like we're galloping towards the end of the year now. And I...
want you to go into next year with a new and improved money mindset. This is an area of your business where once you make the shift, once you really nail this, everything changes for you. Everything changes. Decisions you make for yourself, for your clients, for the business. It all changes.
because you have this newfound confidence that you get to leverage.
So if Money Mindset is something that you on occasion or all the time struggle with, wrestle with, then this episode is absolutely for you. And we're going to send you into 2025 with a whole new way of looking at things. Let's dive in.
So let's start by defining what money mindset really is. We it talked about all the time, right? But the truth is it's quite simple. Your money mindset is just your unique set of beliefs and attitudes about money, right? So it's how you think about earning money. It's how you think about spending money, saving money, investing money and your money mindset.
Gill Moakes (01:57.204)
shapes every single financial decision you make. And often you're not going to be aware of that. It's so ingrained. It's so default for you. So why does this matter so much for us as coaches? Well, because our mindset around money influences how we price our offers. It influences whether we invest in our business and ourselves.
And it even influences how confident we feel talking about money with potential clients. And that can be a huge red flag for a potential client if you're struggling to talk about what you charge. And often without realizing it, you know, we hold these beliefs deep inside us that are limiting our earning potential, quite honestly.
there's a lot, you know, here's an example. So I think this one's really, really common, especially with coaches. And that is I shouldn't charge high rates, because I don't want to seem greedy. That's a really common one for coaches, you know, because we all have purpose led, shoved down our throats the entire time, to the extent that making money almost becomes a dirty word.
But the truth is, if you're like me, and you are willing to make a stand for the and I am completely purpose driven in my business, but I and sorry, I'm I'll do that again. I am completely purpose driven in my business. And I want to have an abundance of money. Right, they're not mutually exclusive. Another limiting belief might be if I raise my prices, or my clients will leave.
Right? These are limiting beliefs. They might feel true to you, but they're actually just stories that you have told yourself over and over again, usually because of the legacy money mindset that you've inherited probably from your parents or from those you grew up with. Right?
Gill Moakes (04:16.888)
So let's talk a little bit about the most common money mindset blocks that might be holding you back. The first one is the fear of charging what you're truly worth. So many coaches that I work with feel guilty or anxious about setting high ticket prices, even when they know the value they're providing.
And let me get one thing straight, I am not ever going to say that you can charge a high ticket price unless you are delivering high ticket value. Okay. So if this is you, if you feel this guilt or anxiety about setting high ticket prices, I want you to think really carefully about the transformation you offer your clients.
What is that worth to them? Not what is an hour of your time worth? Not what is the workbooks you give them worth? Not what is the community Facebook group that you have that they get worth? It's none of those things. What is the transformation you're offering them? Because that is what will help you start seeing your worth clearly.
Gill Moakes (05:41.112)
The next thing is a scarcity mindset. And this is that ingrained belief that so many coaches have, that there aren't enough clients out there. There aren't enough clients, there aren't enough resources, there aren't enough opportunities out there. And when you operate from that place of scarcity, you get stuck in survival mode.
But if you can shift to a much more abundant mindset, you start seeing opportunities everywhere. You recognize that there's more than enough to go around. Or just think about when you are deciding that you're going to get a new car, right? You might decide on a make and model and color. And until the day you decided that, you were absolutely oblivious to that particular make of car.
the day after you have decided it, you're seeing them bloody everywhere. It's like everyone and their mum is driving one of this particular make, model and colour of car. And that's how your mindset works when it comes to scarcity.
If you can absolutely shift your mindset to a more abundant one, in whatever way works for you, sometimes it can be affirmations, sometimes for some people, it's going to be meditating on this and really spending time thinking about it over and over. I'm not talking about law of attraction here or manifestation really. What I am talking about is
shifting the way you think about something.
Gill Moakes (07:33.274)
And once you do that, you start seeing the opportunities, you start seeing potential clients, start asking people, sorry, I'll go back and do it again, you start inviting people into conversation. Because you've got this new recognition that there is more than enough to go around. So what changes is the way you act. There's no witchcraft here.
This is about changing your beliefs and having that manifest itself in the way you act, the way you behave. And it's the way you act and behave is what makes a difference for you.
Gill Moakes (08:22.366)
Another very common mindset block is this fear of investing in yourself or in your business. And this is huge. It might be that you think, you know, well, I can't spend money on that program or this coach or, you know, whatever it is, whatever opportunity has shown itself to you. But the truth is that when you refuse to invest in your growth,
you keep yourself small.
And here's a bit of a reframe for you. When you make a smart, well thought out investment,
a strategic investment in your personal growth or the growth of your business. That is a vote of confidence in your future success.
Gill Moakes (09:20.364)
right? And that does something huge for your mindset.
Gill Moakes (09:28.106)
Investing in yourself reassures your intuition, your confidence that you believe in yourself. And that builds trust. And when we start acting on our intuition from a place of trust, we make smarter decisions, we make bigger, bolder decisions, and we get bigger and bolder results as a consequence.
Gill Moakes (10:01.742)
Sorry, Lina, I've just lost bit. Okay. So now we've just gone through some of these common blocks. Let's talk about how you can cultivate this new improved money mindset as we headed to 2025. So the first thing I want you to think about is really auditing your money beliefs. So this is...
getting up close and personal with all of the things that you've inherited, you know, all of those stories that you have about money, things like money is hard to come by. People like me don't get rich. You have to put away all your money for a rainy day, right? Once you've written out your list, then ask yourself, where did those beliefs come
Are they mine or have I inherited those without questioning? And are they hurting me or helping me? Because awareness of this is really key.
And then we're gonna work on reframing those beliefs. So my personal mantra, if you like, is that I grew up with a dad who told me constantly that you have to be really prudent with your money and you have to put your money away for a rainy day.
And you know what, for a long time, that really stopped me investing in myself in the way I should have done in the beginning, because I was so frightened to do it. But I have now reframed that belief and this is how this is my personal reframe. And that is, if I make smart, consistently smart decisions for my business,
Gill Moakes (11:55.96)
then I will have an abundance of money for anything that comes around the corner. It's a complete reframe. It's actually if I make the right decisions, if I invest wisely, if I do the right thing to build my business, then the money takes care of itself. I will have an abundance of money to take care of anything that comes around the corner. That is a belief reframe.
So yours might be something like, you know, there aren't enough clients to go round. And you could switch that to a much more empowering belief. Like the right clients are going to be drawn to me when I'm really clear on my value.
Gill Moakes (12:47.404)
that might feel strange at first to try and say that to yourself. Right. But we know that our thoughts create our reality. And I alluded to that earlier on because our thoughts are what guide our action and our action galvanizes change.
So thinking differently leads to you acting differently.
The next thing I want you to think about, I want you to set bold financial goals for 2025. Don't be afraid to dream big. I'm really fed up with the naysayers that just tell us to be realistic all the time. That is so limiting. You know, and I've, there's been a few episodes of this podcast about, you know, beliefs and about realizing that there is no bar.
We'll set this internal bar around at the level we think is available for us, but there is no bar. So set a financial goal that really pushes your comfort zone and makes you feel excited. Maybe that's doubling your income next year, or maybe it's signing 10 new high ticket premium clients, right? Write it down and feel the gratitude for it as if it's already happened.
What would it feel like if that had already happened? Feel that.
Gill Moakes (14:19.479)
And manifestation, okay, you know, it's not a dirty word. It sounds woo woo to some people. But the truth is, I just I know I'm harping on about this, but our thoughts create our actions and our actions change our reality. So whatever works for you in and if that is thinking about it in terms of manifestation, if it's about affirmations, if it's visualizations, if it's gratitude journaling, you know,
Whatever it is that works for you to attract more abundance into your life, do it. Okay? There's a really beautiful affirmation, which is, am worthy of receiving abundance and wealth flows to me easily and consistently. I love that. It's a simple affirmation, but if you're filling your brain with thoughts like that, even if it doesn't feel natural and even if...
your brain straight away comes back at you with, well, that's easy to say, but is that true? Don't worry about that.
keep saying the affirmations work when you keep repeating themselves. sorry, affirmations work when you keep repeating them. So I am worthy of receiving abundance and wealth flows to me easily and consistently. I'll pop that one in the show notes because I love that affirmation.
Gill Moakes (15:54.316)
And then of course, it is about taking aligned action. Mindset work is incredibly powerful, but it's got to be paired with action. I'm never gonna tire of saying that. Mindset work on its own is nothing. It doesn't mean much. You have to be pairing mindset shifts with action, with doing something differently. So what is one bold step that you could take?
this month in December to grow your business and invite in that abundance. What is it? Is it planning what you're going to raise your prices to in the new year? Is it thinking about a new offer that might be exactly what you need to bring into your business to attract some high ticket premium clients in the new year? Write it down and commit to it. It's exciting. This is
Like a new year is a blank sheet of paper waiting to be written on, right?
You are limitless in terms of what you can achieve.
Gill Moakes (17:07.69)
One thing, well, a couple of things that are also quite practical tips, I guess, for strengthening your money mindset as we go into next year. One of them is tracking your income. So tracking your income, expecting the money, track it and celebrate every single penny coming into your business. Doesn't matter how small it is, just keep tracking your income every month.
And when you celebrate financial wins, when you really kind of do something, like even if it's just like, yes, another invoice paid, you train your brain to keep expecting more successes.
So start seeing the money coming into your business as a real reason to feel really joyful and grateful. This isn't about feeling greedy or money grabbing. This is about, you know, recognizing that every pound that lands in your bank account is representative of a transformation that you have delivered to a client. That's a reason to celebrate. Yeah.
Another tip is surrounding yourself with other abundant minded people. The people we spend our time with really do have a hand in shaping our reality, don't they? You know, we all know what it's like when you spend a lot of time with someone who brings you down. If they're miserable or actually go back, don't want sound like that. I sound miserable. Let's go with the people.
that you spend time with really do shape your reality. So find a community or find mentors who inspire and uplift you, right? If you're constantly around people who are complaining about money all the time, that is going to rub off on you. So think about that one. And the last kind of reminder, I guess, because I spoke about this earlier in the episode, but
Gill Moakes (19:11.542)
I just want you to really work on developing an abundant pricing strategy. So think about pricing your offers based on the transformation you provide and not the hours you put in. Please, your clients are not paying for your time. They are paying for the results and the life changing impacts of your coaching. That is a fact. That's not my opinion. That is what clients are paying for. Right?
So a little recap. So we've talked about what money mindset is and why it's so crucial for us as coaches. We've talked a bit about common money blocks and the steps you can take to elevate your mindset as we head into the new year. Honestly, a powerful money mindset shift can really open up new possibilities for you and it can absolutely transform your coaching practice.
If this is something that you do struggle with, and you would like some more help with, do reach out because you can learn much more about this as part of our coaching business academy, right? Check out, I'll pop the link in the show notes. The academy was designed by me to help you attract your perfect clients, to price your offers.
appropriately and to create a thriving, abundant coaching practice. So if that sounds like something you're interested in, do go to forward slash academy and find out more about that.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I am excited as we come towards the end of 2024 and start thinking about 2025. I'm really excited about what's ahead for all of us. And until next week, I will leave you pondering on your own money mindset and what you're going to take into 2025 and what you're going to leave behind.
Gill Moakes (21:27.278)
unwanted in 2024. Okay, have a great week. I'll see you back here same time, same place next week. Bye for now.