HT - #140 - What Could Playing Bigger Mean For You In 2025?
[00:00:00] Welcome, welcome to the Heads Together podcast. I'm your host, Gill Moakes. Thank you for joining me in 2025. Oh, Happy New Year, everyone. It is so good to be back here on the mic and sounding a little bit more healthy. Although, I wouldn't say I'm like a hundred percent. You beautiful, wonderful listeners were so kind to me about last week's episode.
I had loads of really lovely comments and messages and emails about last week's episode, where I was so full of kind of cold and didn't have a lot of voice and it's still not completely there, but we're just going to go with it anyway. The other thing I had a ton of. Positive feedback about was the topic of last week's episode.
And so I want to pull on that thread a bit more this year, because I think it's really relevant for us as we come into the new year [00:01:00] and make plans for what we're going to achieve this year in our businesses and our coaching practices. So today's episode is all about playing bigger. It's about believing in yourself and it's about being daring enough to make big, bold decisions, if you know, on some level, and we do, we tend to know if on some level we're playing small, then this episode is for you and we're going to do a deep dive into why coaches so often hold themselves back, what it really takes to play bigger, and how you can start making those bold moves now, starting today.
Let's dive in. Welcome, welcome to the Heads Together podcast. I'm Gill Moakes, and I am obsessed with cutting through the noise when it comes to growing your business. Each week, via intimate coaching conversations and [00:02:00] inspirational stories, I share what it really takes to get the results you want. In a way that feels right to you.
I am all about attracting higher ticket opportunities, building authentic relationships, and creating the abundant, full fat version of your dream business. I mean, how many of us have beavered away creating a light version of what we really want? The thing is, I honestly believe When you're outstanding at what you do, there is no limit to what you can achieve.
So, Are you ready to put our heads together and make it happen? Let's go.
So let's start by just calling out something that we don't really like to admit, I guess. And that is that sometimes we deliberately play small because it just feels [00:03:00] safer, more comfortable and We're frightened. We're frightened about failing publicly. We're frightened of being judged by other coaches, by our peers, by our friends, family.
We're frightened of the embarrassment of not achieving something that we have publicly kind of set our sights on. And I think sometimes, Yes, we're questioning whether we're good enough to take up space, whether we're good enough to charge the higher prices, to be unapologetic about putting our own voice out into the world authentically.
But here's the thing, playing small doesn't serve you and it definitely doesn't serve your clients. If you're holding back, if you know on some level you're not really putting the whole of you out there as a coach, you're not. being bold, you're not putting audacious offers out there to [00:04:00] help people, then you are essentially hiding yourself away from the people who need you.
Someone out there needs you to play bigger right now, starting today, because your work, your coaching, could be the exact answer to the thing that is Really paining them that they're really struggling with, but they are not going to know that until you commit to being more visible to playing bigger, to making the bold moves.
When we talk about playing bigger, what do we actually mean? This isn't just about setting high revenue goals or kind of launching really flashy programs or something like that. I mean, those two things might be part of it. Absolutely. But playing bigger at its core, it's about believing in your value.
It's about knowing that the work you do changes lives. [00:05:00] And it's really about being unapologetic about the value you bring. It's about talking about it unapologetically, with confidence, not this kind of humble, Oh, I can't brag, or I don't want to have the spotlight on me. It's about believing in your value and knowing that the people who need you need to know about you.
It's also about making bold decisions. I'm a huge believer that the best and most successful entrepreneurs are the people who get really good at making decisions. So whether it's about raising your prices or about niching down, or maybe it's pitching yourself for a big opportunity, the bold decisions you make are what create growth for you personally and for your business.
Big decisions. I once was going to write a [00:06:00] book, actually. I never got around to writing this book, not the book that I'm working on at the moment, but I was going to write a book called How to Make Life Changing Decisions. The irony of that book was going to be that absolutely every single decision you make is a life changing one on some level.
You know, like the butterfly effect kind of thing. The better and more efficient we can get at making decisions with confidence, making swift, bold decisions, the more growth we'll see. I also think that Playing bigger is about taking aligned action. So this is about doing what you say you're going to do and doing the things that scare you.
Because you know, you know this, the things that scare you are the things that will move you forward. I know that all the time. I know that if something feels scary to me, it's something I have to pay attention to because it's probably going to be something that [00:07:00] Allows me to take a leap forward, right?
And I also think, and this is the scary one, and I know, you know, some people are going to come at me and say, Oh, I don't want that, but playing bigger is about standing out. It's about having the courage to be radically authentic, even when it feels really vulnerable. Even if you are someone who doesn't.
Like that feeling of exposure, playing bigger requires you to stand out. In essence, It's about embodying the version of you that has already achieved the success you want and acting like that now. Think of this as, you know, do you remember the that, that Bonnie Tyler video with the wind tunnel? I'm picturing that moment.
[00:08:00] Just me?! Haha yeah. It's about embodying the person who already has the success. I think one of the hardest things to As a business owner is self doubt probably more than anything else. Actually is what keeps coaches playing small. It's the inner critic that is whispering, you know, who do you think you are trying to position yourself like that?
Or what if you fail? How embarrassing, but here's the mindset shift, right? That changed everything for me. Self doubt isn't a sign that you're not ready. It's a sign that you're growing. You only really experience the self doubt when you're about to do something big. Big and brave and courageous. And when you're stepping into something new, right?
It's normal to feel uncomfortable. It's [00:09:00] absolutely normal. It's not normal to go through life, making big, bold decisions and never feeling a tiny bit of self doubt or discomfort, but the trick is to not let that discomfort stop you from doing it. You know, the book feel the fear and do it anyway. It's so true.
So when you feel that self doubt, that imposter syndrome, all of those things that make us question our own ability, start seeing that as a signal that you're pushing your boundaries and you're growing every time that self doubt creeps in. Something that's really helpful to do is to write down all of the answers.
Evidence you have for why you can do the thing that you're doubting, right? What is the evidence that you have that would suggest that you absolutely can do this? So that might be things like writing a list of all of [00:10:00] your, the things you've achieved over the last year or your entire coaching career. It might be about writing down the incredible clients that you've worked with.
It might be about. Remembering challenges that you've overcome, impact that you've already had. Right? Create this greatest hits album of your own awesomeness. That's what I want you to do because that can be so helpful, especially if you're someone like me who I have this like really logical part to my brain that will respond really well to or hears the evidence.
That I can do this. So taking bold action. What is one big, scary move that you've been avoiding? What is it? Is it launching a group program? Is it doubling your rates? Is it hitting publish on a [00:11:00] slightly controversial article that you've written? Whatever it is, I really want you to make a commitment this week to take one bold Bold action.
I've actually created a free reflective journal for you to use. So this is going to help you. If you go to you will find that I'll put the link in the show notes that can be useful to help you and. Remember, a bold action doesn't have to be a perfect action.
Please don't wait until you feel 100 percent ready because you probably never will. Don't wait for everything to be perfectly lined up. Just start. Take action. Because it is the action that builds the confidence. It's not the other way around. Right. One of the suggestions I said there was launching a group program.
Now I have half heartedly run group programs in the past, but I tell you [00:12:00] what, bold action for me was launching The Coaching Business Academy. And I had a bucket load of imposter syndrome and resistance to putting myself out there with it. And this is something I teach other people. So we are, none of us are immune to this, right?
None of us are immune to this. And one thing I would say is that I took the bold action because I know how to coach myself around this. I took the bold action and God, it's the best thing I've ever done. We're starting the third cohort on Wednesday. You know, this, and we're getting the feedback we're getting is just amazing from the Academy coaches in the Academy are getting so much from it.
They're already seeing a difference, feeling a difference in the way they're positioning themselves and the way they're talking about their offers. So, you know, this stuff works. And imagine if I [00:13:00] had just bowed to that resistance and not. Taking the bold action and got this just launched and was it perfect?
No, absolutely not. Is it getting really, really, really good? Absolutely. I didn't wait for everything to be perfect to launch. I knew that this would change the lives of the coaches who joined up, not because it was perfect. Because I built it with my bloody heart. So here's a challenge for you. Oh, the throat's going again.
Sorry. After this, you finish listening to this episode. I want you to download the Claim It workbook, the reflective journal, and I want you to fill it out and pick one bold action that you can take the first step off today. [00:14:00] Today. Bonus points if you tell someone else about it and hold yourself accountable.
And actually double bonus points if you email me and tell me about it so that I can hold you accountable. This isn't words on a podcast episode, whatever you're doing now, if you're driving, if you're going for a walk, if you're, you know, and I'm between your ears, giving you this kind of beginning of the year pep talk, don't let it just be the words in your ears, take the action, a small action, downloading a workbook, filling it out and then committing to doing something that's going to move you forward.
This week, today, right? So before we wrap up, I want to leave you with a thought. Okay. The only difference between you and the coaches that you admire. So the ones who seem to have it all figured out, the only difference is that they decided to play [00:15:00] bigger. They backed themselves to win. They didn't wait to feel ready.
They didn't wait for someone to give them permission. They believed in themselves and they made bold decisions and took action. Right? You have that same potential. You have what it takes already inside you to build a coaching business that supports your life, that makes a profound impact on the lives of the people that you serve.
The only question is, are you ready to step into that potential? Are you ready to play bigger? Cause you can keep choosing to stay small and you can give all of the reasons for that, that you like, that you're an introvert, that you don't like to be the center of attention, that you don't want to be loud, that you don't want to add to the noise.
I hear that one all the time. I don't just want to add to the noise. Then don't add to the noise, add something remarkable to the arena. This is about the ripple effect that you get to create when you show up [00:16:00] fully. I hope this one, I feel, Oh, I feel a bit breathless. Like I've been on a slight rant a thon with this one, but this is something I feel so bloody passionate about because it drives me actually slightly mad when I see really good coaches that are hiding their light under a bushel and are just, they have just so much to give their clients.
And yet those clients. Don't even know they exist because they're not playing big. They're not taking opportunities by the horns. They're not putting themselves out there. So again, head to link in the show notes, download it, fill it out, and then email me and commit to one bold action that you're going to take today.
Email me at [email protected] I literally get beyond excited when people actually email me, you know, because let's face it, [00:17:00] when we put out this call to action, Oh, send me an email and tell me what you think about blah, blah, blah. Not that many people actually take the time to do that. Right. But when you do, it is so exciting.
I love, love, love it. I was thinking about that the other day and I was thinking, you know, 2025 for me is going to be the year of more conversations. I think I mentioned this in an episode on New Year's Eve, actually. Yeah, this year I want to be having more real conversations with real people. That's what I'm looking forward to.
Okay, listen, I hope you have enjoyed this episode. I hope it's given you a bit of a spur to play bigger this year. You've got this. And of course, if we can support you inside the coaching business academy, again, I'll put the link in the show notes. Do take a look. See if it sounds like the very thing that you could be looking for.
Yeah. And I will see you, or I will be in your ears anyway. Same time, [00:18:00] same place next week. Bye for now.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that getting our heads together this week has filled your mind with what's possible. If you love the show, would you do me a massive favour please? Would you leave a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts? It would really help you put more heads together, reach more ears and expand more minds.
Until next week, bye for now.