e144 Why Most Coaches Don't Attract Enough Of The Right Clients
[00:00:00] Welcome, welcome to the Heads Together podcast. I'm your host, Gill Moakes, and thank you so much for joining me again this week. Good to have you here. So this week's episode is really a fundamental one. About why most coaches are not attracting enough of the right clients. I talk to a lot of coaches. So I'm the founder of the coaching business Academy.
And so coaching is my world. I talk to coaches a lot. I coach my own private clients. I teach coaches how to grow businesses inside the Academy. I'm talking to coaches all the time. And the number one. Complaint that I hear from coaches is I'm either not attracting enough clients full stop, or I'm attracting clients, but they're never [00:01:00] the right clients for me.
They either can't afford me or they are just not really aligned with who I am as a coach. They're not really the people I want to be coaching. So I've got to be honest, I am coming in hot today. Oh yeah. I'm coming in hot with a message that you really do need to hear. If you're one of those coaches who is spinning your wheels thinking, why am I not getting enough clients?
Pure and simple. Why do I not have enough clients? Why do I not have that full capacity of one to one clients so that I can start scaling my business with group offers, for example, and I don't want you to think in any way, this has anything to do with you not being a good enough coach, right? You might be the best coach in the whole world.
But if you are trying to boil the ocean, in other words, if you are trying to be [00:02:00] everything to everyone, then you are standing out to absolutely no one. No one is going to notice you. You become white noise. So today's episode is all about our favorite topic, niching. To niche or not to niche, that is the question.
Oh, and a spoiler, yes, niche. Let's dive into the episode.
Welcome, welcome to the Heads Together podcast. I'm Jill Mokes, and I am obsessed with cutting through the noise when it comes to growing your business. Each week via intimate coaching conversations and inspirational stories, I share what it really takes to get the results you want. in a way that feels right to you.
I am all about attracting higher ticket opportunities, building authentic relationships, and creating the abundant, full fat version of your dream business. I mean, how [00:03:00] many of us have beavered away creating a light version of what we really want? The thing is, I honestly believe when you're outstanding at what you do, there is no limit to what you can achieve.
So, are you ready to put our heads together and make it happen? Let's go. So
here's the thing. You know you get great results with your clients. You're super confident in that. Most coaches that come to me or who join the academy are already completely confident in their ability to get really transformational results with their clients. And they really care about that. Like that's massively important.
But the problem is what they're not clear about. is who they're for, what their niche is. Actually, it's more than just not being clear [00:04:00] about it. I think most coaches at the, certainly at the beginning, they resist refining their niche and most coaches will take absolutely any out that is offered to them.
So if they can find a business coach, This is not going to be me, by the way, to tell them it's okay. It's okay. At the beginning, you don't need to pick a niche, just practice your coaching and it will come to you. Right. That is all well and good. If you want to carry on offering free coaching forever.
Because if you want to grow a coaching business, you must niche down. I'm really sorry if that sounds like I'm being bossy and prescriptive. The reason it sounds like I'm being bossy and prescriptive is because I am. And I'm not really sorry because this is for your own good. I promise you, I promise you.
And I can already hear the groans and the eye [00:05:00] rolls. I can't hear the eye rolls. That would be crazy. But you know what I mean? I can hear like the moans of, I just don't want to limit myself or, but I genuinely can help everyone or the big one. But what if I pick the wrong niche? And honestly, I do get it.
It's not like I don't understand this. The idea of niching down does feel restrictive. It feels good. Quite counterintuitive. In other words, like if we want more clients, wouldn't it make more sense to be open to everyone and anyone, but it's so far from the truth. I just, I cannot even stress this enough.
And so for everyone out there, who's had that feeling of, I don't want to restrict who I am, Marketing to, or who I am offering my coaching to, because, you know, I [00:06:00] don't even have enough clients now, so I'm definitely not going to narrow down who I'm talking to. Well, I have one question. How is that really generic watered down messaging that's designed to appeal to absolutely everyone?
How's that working for you? Have you got an inbox flooded with potential clients who want to sign up to work with you? And if the answer to that is no, then it is time for a bit of tough love. I'm going to be honest, trying to appeal to everyone. So try not putting a stake in the ground and being crystal clear about what your niche is.
So who are the clients you work with and what are the results you get for them? Not doing that is like standing in the middle of a really crowded room and whispering. No one is going to hear you. No one is, but when you refine your niche, [00:07:00] when you are really clear and when you own who you are, what you do and who you do it for, it's the opposite.
The people who need you can hear you, right? There are clients out there right now who are searching for a coach like you, but they are not going to find you if your message is so diluted that it's invisible. It is a kicker, I get it, because it feels like you are limiting yourself, but it's actually the opposite.
Honestly, refining your niche is liberating. I'm not expressing this that well in this episode and I'm very conscious of that, but I'm really trying to get across to you the point that when you accept and embrace fully, Your uniqueness and your refined coaching niche, [00:08:00] something magical happens. You get to effortlessly create the messaging that truly lands.
I might be being a down on myself and saying, Oh, I'm not expressing this that well. But here's the thing. I know my niche. I know that if you are listening to this podcast, then in all likelihood you are nodding and you're saying, Oh God, I know this is true. I know I need to niche down, why am I resisting this so much?
And when you do niche down, suddenly it's so much easier to position yourself as the real expert in your space. And you get to attract those clients that you really love working with, the ones who value what you do and are willing to pay for it. And doesn't that sound just so much better than trying to market to anyone who needs coaching?
That is not going to resonate with anyone. I've been [00:09:00] thinking a lot about this and this problem is honestly solvable. This problem of resisting the niching is very, very solvable and I want to help you solve it. And I've been seriously thinking about creating something free for you because this is so foundational.
I'm wondering if I might create like a free No strings attached course, like a mini course. Just to get you crystal clear on your own uniqueness and what makes you stand out as a coach and your perfect coaching niche. Right? Because I really do believe that if you are a great coach, if you are someone who is invested in really good quality coach training, you deserve for your revenue to match your reputation.
This combination of. Understanding what makes you unique and really [00:10:00] committing to a coaching niche is the key. Absolutely the secret to attracting the right clients. I do feel a bit like it's my mission now to make this happen. I was writing this in a, um, I was scheduling a LinkedIn post actually for next week.
And I was writing this down and I was like, no, I feel like this, my mission to make this happen. And then I realized that I was really sounding like Tom Cruise. This is my mission and I have chosen to accept it. Oh, it's so funny because the next week's episode I'm talking about coach speak. So right now I'm calling myself out on it.
I really feel it's my mission. Anyway, I'm not going to be diving out of any planes. I promise, but I do want to help you. I want to help you grow your business. And I want you to help you do it with a lot more clarity and more confidence. And I know that this is what you need. Understanding what makes you unique, [00:11:00] understanding your perfect coaching niche, those two things together are what will help you grow your business.
So I suppose what I'm asking, I'm going to put an ask out there. I want you to tell me if this is something you'd be interested in me doing. So if you're listening to this, I have a question for you. Would a free course on how to nail your uniqueness and how to identify your coaching niche Be a real game changer for you.
So send me a message wherever you like. I don't care where LinkedIn DM me. I don't mind. Hit me an email [email protected], send me a smoke signal. Well, I don't mind however you like, if there's enough people that come back to me with a hands up and say, you know, yes, this is something I definitely need.
Gill, please make me that free course. Then I'll do it. But I'm not going to do it until I know that it's something you would like from me. It's absolutely something we do in the first module of [00:12:00] the Coaching Business Academy. So this is not me being super generous and saying, Oh, I'm going to create all this new content for free.
It's actually me saying, you know what, I think this is probably one of the most foundational, most important parts of the Academy. And if you would like a taste of the Academy, I could make some of this content available for you for free. There's method in my madness. You know, I like to be transparent, right?
This is a strategy that I think is really good for growing a business. It's like, give people a taste of how it feels to work with you. And if the decision is right for them, they'll decide to carry on working with you. So yeah, a little bit of a method in my madness, but it's a win win for both of us, right?
Okay. So. If you take one thing away from this episode, it is that trying to boil the ocean doesn't work. You need to refine your niche. And the way everything will shift when you [00:13:00] finally do that is incredible. Promise you. Thank you so much for listening today. I hope you've enjoyed this episode. If this has hit home and if you have any coach friends who need a bit of tough love, do send it to them, let them know about it.
Thank you. And don't forget to subscribe because I have so much more coming for you in the next few weeks. I've been plotting out some really juicy episodes coming up. So I'm excited to share them with you. And again, let me know if this free mini course, which is a little taster from the Academy, is something that you would be interested in and I will make it happen.
All right, again, I'll put some links in the show notes for you to get in touch with me. Okay. Have a brilliant day. Have a brilliant week. And I will see you back here. Same time, same place next week. I
hope you enjoyed this [00:14:00] episode and that getting our heads together this week has filled your mind with what's possible. If you love the show, would you do me a massive favour please? Would you leave a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts? It would really help you put more heads together, reach more ears and expand more minds.
Until next week, bye for now.